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Ranking races 3 & 4 at

Coalhouse Fort

taking place on the 11th & 12th September 2021.

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Scheduled to take place

3rd-9th April 2022

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In this month's newsletter there is information about the Veterans and National championship events, an appeal to sell unwanted boats to get more people into the hobby and the story of an inspirational youngster committed to building an IOM.

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Advertise your boat or services here


In this month's edition:

  • Measurer's Heaven

  • Veteran's 50th Event

  • Readers stories

  • Bea's Nimbus Mk III


To read Fleetwood nationals race report click the image.

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Race report and results now available.


If you watched the America’s Cup, the message was clear: being able to get up to speed quickly within the rules gives an advantage.


To help, Greg Eaton, a national Judge, International Umpire and accomplished IOM skipper, has created a presentation explaining the rule changes affecting radio sailors.

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Here is the May 2021 IOM newsletter. It contains an explanation of a COG along with updates on the Veterans, Rankings, Nationals and World Championships.  There is a news update on the measurement issue.


Reminder of the changes to racing rules, details of Veterans and National Championships, IOM boat build news and much more.


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Nationals - Fletwood

Winner - Brad Gibson

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